EG Boys County Qualifier Team & Individual 2018

Boys’ County Championship 2018 – SEG Qualifier

Teams from the eleven counties of the South East Group assembled at Blackmoor on 4th July 2018 for their practice rounds in preparation for the County Championship Qualifier the following day.

This is a 36 hole strokeplay event with the best five scores (morning and afternoon) from the six members of each team are taken to make up the team score. This is a challenging format which was made all the more challenging by the weather conditions on the day and over the previous weeks. The course was dry and hard after almost a month of sunshine and high temperatures which meant that adaptability would be key.

Some of the players had a tough time but others managed to tame the course and conditions and post rounds that were better than par. Four players were able to finish the day with tremendous performances better than par for the 36 holes.

The individual winner was Max Hopkins of Hertfordshire (pictured below) who scored 67 + 65 = 132 (-6). Max would have been rewarded with a place in the Carris Trophy at the end of July if it wasn’t for the fact that he has also been selected to represent England at the same time. Well done Max. Individual results can be found below.

The winning team was Kent (pictured below with Mike Rees – President of the South Eastern Group) with a total score of 711 (+21). Runners-up were BB&O only one stroke behind and Sussex finished third on 716 (+26).

Our thanks go to the Committee, staff and members of Blackmoor Golf Club who did everything they could to ensure that the event was a great success.

Photographs were graciously supplied by Andrew Grffin/AMG Pictures).

2018 Boys’ Qualifier – Individual

Thursday 5th July 2018, White Tees, Blackmoor

View Statistics for this Competition

Gross Leaderboard R1 R2 Total Par
1st Max Hopkins 67 65 132 -6
2nd Curtis Knipes 68 65 133 -5
3rd Joe Sullivan 65 70 135 -3
4th Harrison Arnold 69 67 136 -2
5th Connor Gough 73 65 138 LEVEL
6th Enrique Dimayuga 67 71 138 LEVEL
7th Jensen Hull 72 67 139 +1
8th Oliver Smith 69 71 140 +2
9th Thomas Spreadborough 73 68 141 +3
10th Connor Bell 73 69 142 +4
11th Oliver Sly 71 71 142 +4
12th Harvey Sullivan 74 69 143 +5
13th George Young 73 70 143 +5
14th George Fricker 71 72 143 +5
15th Max Weaver 73 72 145 +7
16th Jacob Kelso 70 75 145 +7
17th Thomas Gregory 69 76 145 +7
18th Jack Thomas Manley 69 76 145 +7
19th Melan Dhaubhadel 68 77 145 +7
20th Billy Groom 79 67 146 +8
21st Matthew Green 75 71 146 +8
22nd Kale Heath 73 73 146 +8
23rd Benjamin Pierleoni 73 73 146 +8
24th Dominic George Clemons 70 76 146 +8
25th Charlie Hilton 77 70 147 +9
26th Finbar Kane 74 73 147 +9
27th Callum Newton 73 74 147 +9
28th Harry Crockett 76 72 148 +10
29th M Nakatani 73 75 148 +10
30th Harrison Linney 70 78 148 +10
31st Sebastian Tannum Donaldson 73 76 149 +11
32nd Alfie Halil 74 76 150 +12
33rd Samuel West 76 75 151 +13
34th Dillon West 75 76 151 +13
35th Jack Neill 74 77 151 +13
36th Harry Moncur 79 73 152 +14
37th George Durkan 78 74 152 +14
38th Ben Clarke 76 76 152 +14
39th Sam Caney 76 76 152 +14
40th Liam Cossey 78 75 153 +15
41st Nya Fraser-Lawrence 78 75 153 +15
42nd Jack Butcher 73 80 153 +15
43rd Louis Martin 78 76 154 +16
44th Jamie Markwick 81 74 155 +17
45th Aadam Syed (Jnr) 79 76 155 +17
46th Ethan Richmond 77 78 155 +17
47th Greg Hurley 77 78 155 +17
48th Nicholas Matthews 75 80 155 +17
49th Oliver Dickman 84 72 156 +18
50th George Garnham 79 77 156 +18
51st Ben Willis 79 77 156 +18
52nd James Wright 78 78 156 +18
53rd Ben Partridge 77 79 156 +18
54th Ben Davies 75 81 156 +18
55th Edward Stephenson 74 82 156 +18
56th Connor Higgins 80 77 157 +19
57th Aman Uddin 83 75 158 +20
58th Sonny Williams 79 79 158 +20
59th Christian Lindgreen 76 83 159 +21
60th Max Jacobs 84 76 160 +22
61st Will Glenister 76 84 160 +22
62nd David Gurr 83 78 161 +23
63rd Joel Gosling 84 81 165 +27
64th Ryan Georgiou 80 85 165 +27
65th Conal Downing 79 89 168 +30
66th Michael Gilbert 78 WD WD

2018 Boys’ Qualifier – Team

Thursday 5th July 2018, White Tees, Blackmoor

Team Round 1 Round 2 Total Standing
1st Kent 359 352 711 +21
Connor Bell 73 69 142 +4
Jensen Hull 72 67 139 +1
Jacob Kelso 70 75 145 +7
Oliver Sly 71 71 142 +4
James Wright 78 78 156 +18
George Young 73 70 143 +5
2nd BB&O 352 360 712 +22
Harrison Arnold 69 67 136 -2
Melan Dhaubhadel 68 77 145 +7
Connor Gough 73 65 138 LEVEL
Thomas Gregory 69 76 145 +7
Sebastian Tannum Donaldson 73 76 149 +11
Dillon West 75 76 151 +13
3rd Sussex 366 350 716 +26
Ben Clarke 76 76 152 +14
Oliver Dickman 84 72 156 +18
Billy Groom 79 67 146 +8
Charlie Hilton 77 70 147 +9
Oliver Smith 69 71 140 +2
Joe Sullivan 65 70 135 -3
4th Essex 363 359 722 +32
Michael Gilbert 78 78 +9
Curtis Knipes 68 65 133 -5
Harrison Linney 70 78 148 +10
Harry Moncur 79 73 152 +14
Callum Newton 73 74 147 +9
Harvey Sullivan 74 69 143 +5
5th Hertfordshire 363 364 727 +37
Sam Caney 76 76 152 +14
Dominic George Clemons 70 76 146 +8
George Durkan 78 74 152 +14
Max Hopkins 67 65 132 -6
Greg Hurley 77 78 155 +17
Benjamin Pierleoni 73 73 146 +8
6th Surrey 372 365 737 +47
Harry Crockett 76 72 148 +10
Enrique Dimayuga 67 71 138 LEVEL
David Gurr 83 78 161 +23
Ben Partridge 77 79 156 +18
Thomas Spreadborough 73 68 141 +3
Aadam Syed (Jnr) 79 76 155 +17
7th Suffolk 369 376 745 +55
Jack Butcher 73 80 153 +15
Conal Downing 79 89 168 +30
George Fricker 71 72 143 +5
Alfie Halil 74 76 150 +12
Louis Martin 78 76 154 +16
Max Weaver 73 72 145 +7
8th Hampshire 382 377 759 +69
Finbar Kane 74 73 147 +9
Christian Lindgreen 76 83 159 +21
Jamie Markwick 81 74 155 +17
Nicholas Matthews 75 80 155 +17
Aman Uddin 83 75 158 +20
Samuel West 76 75 151 +13
9th Bedfordshire 373 387 760 +70
George Garnham 79 77 156 +18
Will Glenister 76 84 160 +22
Joel Gosling 84 81 165 +27
Matthew Green 75 71 146 +8
Jack Thomas Manley 69 76 145 +7
Edward Stephenson 74 82 156 +18
10th Norfolk 386 379 765 +75
Liam Cossey 78 75 153 +15
Kale Heath 73 73 146 +8
Max Jacobs 84 76 160 +22
Ethan Richmond 77 78 155 +17
Sonny Williams 79 79 158 +20
Ben Willis 79 77 156 +18
11th Middlesex 380 385 765 +75
Ben Davies 75 81 156 +18
Nya Fraser-Lawrence 78 75 153 +15
Ryan Georgiou 80 85 165 +27
Connor Higgins 80 77 157 +19
M Nakatani 73 75 148 +10
Jack Neill 74 77 151 +13

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