
South Eastern Group

England Golf South Eastern Group

Junior Foursomes (From 2018)

Conditions of Play and Qualification.


  1. Each Member County of the South Eastern Group is eligible to enter a team. To represent a county in any South Eastern Group event, a player must have his “home club” in the county that he is representing.

  2. Play will be over 2 rounds played on one day.

  3. Each round will be 2 or 3-ball foursomes played over 18 holes under strokeplay rules. Combinations of the groups will be decided by the South Eastern Group.

  4. Counties must name a team of 8 players – no reserves or substitutes will be allowed. The best three gross scores from the morning and afternoon rounds to count.

  5. Pairings must be submitted to the Secretary by 16.00 hours on the day preceding the Tournament and at least 30 minutes before the second round commences. Once submitted the pairings may not be altered without the consent of Championship Committee (three to form a quorum), whose decision shall be final.

  6. Age limit is under 18 at 00.00 hours on the first day of January in the year of the event.

  7. The winning team will be the team with the lowest aggregate gross score and be declared as the South Eastern Group Foursomes Junior Champions.

    In the event of a tie the winner will be decided in the following sequence:
    a)    The team with the lowest afternoon score.
    b)    The team with the lowest individual pair score.
    Should this fail to produce a winner the ‘Title’ will be shared.

  8. Any County wishing to withdraw from the Competition must give a minimum period of three months' notice of its intent.

  9. The South Eastern Group Committee agrees that this competition cannot be run other than on a course with two reasonable & convenient starting points close to the clubhouse.

  10. The England Golf hard card together with any particular local rules will apply to this event.

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